crucifixes in schools?
reading and listening to these days what has been said and written about the ruling of the European Court about crucifixes in Italian schools I have some questions.
The impression is that, as always, the question of crucifixes and the motivation of the facade, while underneath there are other reasons that stir up controversy.
The question I ask myself, as a Christian and teacher of religion is this: now what does the crucifix in schools?
All political parties except the most extreme currents, objected strongly to the decision of the European Court, claiming that the crucifix is \u200b\u200ba symbol of our culture. It was also pointed out that for many non-believers and non-Christians (including all the most cited was Gandhi), it is nevertheless a sign of human suffering, charity is able to redeem.
But the question I ask myself is this: in the common sense, ordinary people in what sense the crucifix in schools?
A boy a few weeks ago (before the now famous sentence) would ask me what's the hang-class image a dead man? Seen by some legitimate and interesting from the point of view of the subject I teach allows you to open spaces for reflection very promising, but from the point of view of the meaning of the crucifix today shows that, at least for this guy, it fails to evoke the intrinsic value in these days heralded by all parties.
In one of the two schools where I teach classes in the crosses are not there. Interesting that no one has ever jumped in mind to ask that the crucifixes were made. E 'and so there are no problems for anyone. It does not reflect the fact that the controversy is made to remove the crosses and not for them?
The impression is that the controversy these days reflects the common sense about the crucifix. The impression is that the crucifix in fact very little interest. The fact that there is or is not in school in everyday life makes no difference, and this is a fact that in my opinion it is necessary to take note. The real reason for the clear position in favor of the crucifix I think that the fear of a society that is now no reference at all to come undone. It does not affect the meaning of the crucified. It concerns the fact that the crucifix is \u200b\u200ba sign of something. Something you do not even understand well the identity, because for some, the crucifix has a certain meaning, for others a different ... However, it represents something. And now that something undefined and unknown becomes the pretext for a society that holds no longer has. Defending the crucifix is \u200b\u200bnow trying to cling to those who are drowning in something to save himself. No matter what, just let uphold.
While it is understandable that defense, the other is obviously miserable. Why not admit what lies beneath the controversy but defended the crucifix in the name of ideals that are gone, which, except for a few elite, no one cares any more, because then the life of every day is different and reasons from other criteria, and no one says anything.
I am neither for nor against the crucifixes in schools. They are a way to defend against as a way to criticize them. It makes no sense to say that the cross is offensive to those who do not share the Christian fade, and this was highlighted well in the debate in recent days. It makes no sense even though the crucifixes in the name of defending the values \u200b\u200band ideals that are called upon only when it suits them but then in real life are so hypocritical and mistrattati silent.
in respect of the crucifix in the classroom I think the proper attitude is that of Jesus for Christians Jesus is God who came to earth to bring a message of salvation to men. But where is the God who has been refused, as Bonhoeffer would say, has left kick away from the world without resistance. The cross is the sign of God who allows himself to drive away. Ironically, we are here today to fight a sword to defend this sign. We want to be more Christians in Christ? As a Christian I believe that the proper attitude is that of Jesus: if you want me here, if I do not want to take off noise without too much trouble.
But it is clear that "wanted" the crucifix must be a genuine desire and not a facade, a will that is about life in its values \u200b\u200bthat you live every day, not only in the proclamations.
I want it like the crucifix?