Thanks to Thanksgiving, we had four good days to spend together. It's been so long since we happened to be able to stay together for more than two days of the weekend, and it was nice to do all three things together.
Thursday was Thanksgiving and we had a good meal plan, although guests of an Italian family, complete with 10 pounds of turkey and lots of delicious American dishes. The company was great and Sarah is really fun to play with other girls a bit 'bigger than her. We then met the other friends who had lunch at the home of two of these and so we could stay a little bit in their company (and Sara has begun to eat!). We really have to thank these people, because even if away from home and our families and friends, we are beginning to feel a bit 'at home here.
Friday was the famous Black Friday. In America the day after Thanksgiving the stores open at 4 or 5 nights and discounts are crazy. We saw people lined up at stores at 10 the night before (pazzi!). We limited ourselves to shoot a couple of shops during the day and do a little shopping for us, and a bit 'of Christmas gifts.
Saturday we are instead left for New York. We wanted to revise the city dressed up, because in this time of year, apart from the impressive number of tourists and the cold, in the city the atmosphere is different, the air of the holidays and Christmas. All those beautiful decorations, the lights, the music, its something we really like it. We also had a way to meet old friends and people who do not meet again vedavamo a long time.
Sunday last a bit 'well-deserved rest and with a little sadness, and excitement at the same time, the thought of our departure on Saturday.
Thursday was Thanksgiving and we had a good meal plan, although guests of an Italian family, complete with 10 pounds of turkey and lots of delicious American dishes. The company was great and Sarah is really fun to play with other girls a bit 'bigger than her. We then met the other friends who had lunch at the home of two of these and so we could stay a little bit in their company (and Sara has begun to eat!). We really have to thank these people, because even if away from home and our families and friends, we are beginning to feel a bit 'at home here.
Friday was the famous Black Friday. In America the day after Thanksgiving the stores open at 4 or 5 nights and discounts are crazy. We saw people lined up at stores at 10 the night before (pazzi!). We limited ourselves to shoot a couple of shops during the day and do a little shopping for us, and a bit 'of Christmas gifts.
Saturday we are instead left for New York. We wanted to revise the city dressed up, because in this time of year, apart from the impressive number of tourists and the cold, in the city the atmosphere is different, the air of the holidays and Christmas. All those beautiful decorations, the lights, the music, its something we really like it. We also had a way to meet old friends and people who do not meet again vedavamo a long time.
Sunday last a bit 'well-deserved rest and with a little sadness, and excitement at the same time, the thought of our departure on Saturday.